NASCAR Racing League Rules
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E-mail address:
A valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail.
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Nascar Racing League
These data are required to participate in the NRL .
After your first login you can select in your Profile in this Tab your team and car.
Do you want to sign up for the
Nascar Racing League
Your TM² Stadium account name:
Your Trackmania Account Name:
Your TM Display Name:
Do you own Trackmania United?:
please choose
Please note: Our Event Server is accessable ONLY with United.
Your Team:
- None -
Select your team for which you are driving. This NOT a recruit thing, you must be part of this team you choose already before!
Driver's Info
Introduce yourself
- None -
Where do you come from?:
What is your first name?:
In what country do you live?:
What is your favorite Trackmania car?:
Which Trackmania server is your favorite?:
How many hours a week do you play Trackmania?:
Format: 2025 Feb 14
It would be nice if you provide your date of birth. The birthday will not be displayed on the site, but on the team presentations and later on your driver presentation will be shown with automatic updates each year e.g.: Age: 35
Terms and Conditions of Use
Terms & Conditions:
2022 NASCAR Racing League Rules (NRL) PLEASE use a translator if necessary: These rules were established to provide a realistic, enjoyable environment during NRL races or events. Drivers are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. All drivers that registered to drive in NRL races or events have agreed to abide by these rules. We put a lot of TIME and EFFORTS into making this an enjoyable experience. PLEASE read the NASCAR Racing League FAQ and procedures for more information. 1. You must have a valid, working email address. Your email should allow you to receive small file attachments, such as league tracking in adobe reader (PDF) and image files (JPG). 2. Complete the registration form. 3. Register at our website, 4. Use your registered Trackmania United account during races or events. 5. Drive the car provided to you during NRL races or events. You may alter your cars appearance, provided your name, number, the NRL logo and sponsor remain intact. 6. Chat in English when possible. 7. Respect each other, and refrain from bad language or cursing. Do not instigate trouble, avoid religion, sex, politics or other sensitive topics of discussion. 8. Avoid excessive chat during the race. If you must leave, please announce it and proceed. 9. Please DO NOT use the NRL Event chat as a venue to discuss activities with your team members. Use your own server, email or your website to communicate with them. 10. If you cannot attend a race or event, please contact us via email, 11. If you miss 4 races or events consistently, without contacting us, you will be removed. 12. DO NOT reveal server passwords to any friends or other NASCAR Racing League drivers. It is your own responsibility to attain the password to enter the server. 13. AVOID excessive chat and questions to the admin before the race. The admin might be preparing the race, taking screenshots and temporarily away during the current practice laps. 14. Drivers that prematurely leave the race, without apparent computer or game problems, will not be scored for the race. If points are awarded for joining the race, they will be valid. It is your responsibility to contact us if you are having problems with the game, players or the race. ** The NASCAR Racing League rules may be updated or revised at any time. **
Terms & Conditions of Use